Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Jayateerth Mevundi @ IISc

Jayateerth Mevundi IISc conference Science without boundaries
Sh. Jayateerth Mevundi performing in the J. N. Tata Auditorium, IISc. in the cultural program which was a part of the conference "Science without Boundaries". Sh. Mevundi opened with a khayal in Raga Puriya Kalyan set in Rupak,  following with a drut composition in teentaal. He then demonstrated the variety of genres within Indian classical music by presenting a Meera Bhajan, a Marathi Abhang, a Naatyageet, a Kannada Bhajan, and concluding with a bhajan in Bhairavi.